Your deep tissue massage sessions at Engaging Muscles Massage will be two hours long.
There’s no time wasted chasing pain and mindlessly managing symptoms.
Instead, all of your sessions are designed to address the root cause of the pain you’ve been feeling.As you go through the process of increasing stability, mobility, and flexibility, you also increase your chances of preventing an injury.
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You don’t know what you don’t know.
For example, did you know that it’s impossible to increase mobility (joints) without stability (muscles)?
Along the same line, it’s impossible to increase flexibility (muscles) without stability (muscles).
Stretching, rolling on a lacrosse ball, and foam rolling don’t increase stability.
If you’ve paid for a deep tissue massage in the past, addressing tight muscles was the goal.
Muscle tightness and pain drove you to make the appointment, and like clockwork, your massage therapist confirmed what you were thinking all along.
Then, within a short period of time, you were right back to feeling the same muscle tightness you felt the previous day.
Ninety-nine percent of licensed massage therapists assume muscles are tight.
Having taught kinesiology (the study of human movement) for many years, I’m confident when I tell you that the vast majority of a massage student’s hands-on classes are focused on releasing muscles. There’s little mention of underperforming muscles, which is why muscles are tight in the first place.
I can relate. It wasn’t until I was seven years into my career that I started to develop the skill set to confirm whether a muscle was tight or underperforming.
The truth: When you have a muscle that feels tight, you also have an underperforming muscle. In other words, you cannot have a tight muscle without an underperforming muscle.
The underperforming muscle is first. Then, to protect you from injuring yourself, your brain sends signals for muscles to tighten.
You can feel tight muscles, but you cannot feel muscles that are underperforming.
Unfortunately (and sadly), for decades, practitioners have recommended one-size-fits-all exercises and cookie-cutter stretches without the skill set to differentiate a tight muscle from a muscle that isn’t capable of contracting optimally.
Licensed massage therapists are just some of the practitioners who don’t have the skill set to confirm whether a muscle is tight or underperforming.
The vast majority of physical therapists, athletic trainers, podiatrists, and chiropractors also assume muscles are tight. So, of course, they default to addressing muscle tightness with stretches that may feel good but fail to address the root cause.
Meanwhile, the underperforming muscles aren’t capable of pulling their weight.
That’s why you feel muscle tightness.
Case in point: When piriformis syndrome is the diagnosis, your piriformis will feel tight. Yet, more often than not, the piriformis and the obturator internus are underperforming. (See video below.)
For someone diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, tight calves are a common symptom. Yet, in most cases, the majority of the calf muscles are underperforming.
Filling In The Gaps
• You can’t have a tight muscle without an underperforming muscle
• Until your brain recognizes certain muscles are capable of functioning to the
best of their ability, your muscles will tighten to protect you from an injury.

Rick Merriam addresses an underperforming trapezius muscle with a deep-tissue massage technique that improves the communication between the brain and muscle.
When your brain recognizes that your muscles can provide stability and control motion, the tight muscles will relax.
Stop the cycle of settling for mediocre results and get to the root cause; schedule today!Investment
* Two hours of hands-on muscle therapy ~ 295
** Package of 2 sessions (four hours) ~ 580
*** Package of 3 sessions (six hours) ~ 812 (best seller)
Package pricing ranges from 580 (2) to 2910 (12)
Your first session in the office focuses on addressing the most prominent players.
The most prominent players are muscles that play a significant role in providing stability and controlling motion.
You can use your HSA or FSA card. All major credit/debit cards are also accepted.Every session of hands-on muscle therapy will require two hours of your time, guaranteed.
Because you will be fully clothed throughout every session, please plan to wear the athletic clothing you use for exercise.

It’s been over two decades since I released the piriformis with deep massage. This is what I do instead.
12700 Hillcrest Rd, Ste 125 #143 Dallas, TX 75230
Can’t fly to Dallas to experience what it feels like to have muscles engaging to the best of their ability?
Do the next best thing; work with me online.
Texas Massage Therapy License: MT110566